Podcast Episodes

The Sent Life is a podcast produced by the Center for Great Commission Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Periodically, The Sent Life provides a special feature episode dedicated to the Peoples Next Door project. On these episodes, we tackle issues surrounding local church work in diaspora missions.

The following is a growing list of these feature episodes. Be sure to follow The Sent Life in order to listen to all of their episodes.

Peoples Next Door Feature Episodes

Episode 13: Gentrification

This episode on gentrification is the latest in our monthly conversation series, Peoples Next Door. In the Peoples Next Door episodes, Keelan Cook will help us explore topics related to mission and ministry in urban areas and among diaspora peoples.

Episode 19: Reverse Urbanization

Is urbanization in reverse? What are the trends concerning the movement of peoples in major US cities and how do they impact the mission of the local church?

Episode 36: Immigration as a Gift to the Church

Sometimes we go to nations, and sometimes God brings the nations to us. What’s our plan to reach and serve them in our communities? Please join us on The Sent Life as we talk with Keelan Cook about the gift of immigration for the church.

Episode 38: ESL Courses for Diaspora Missions

Learn about a “Go & Tell” approach to English courses and how it leads to more missional opportunities than a traditional approach to ESL classes as a local church ministry.