Our team of practitioners continues to grow and they are willing to assist your church in developing a strategy to discover and engage people groups in your community with the gospel. Feel free to reach out to a practitioner near you!
Keelan Cook is the associate director for the Center for Great Commission Studies at Southeastern and leads the Peoples Next Door project. He has spent time overseas as a cross-cultural missionary to Muslim peoples in Africa and assists local churches and denominational agencies in developing strategy for finding and engaging unreached people groups in U.S. urban centers.
Anna Daub is the Director of Special Projects and Partnerships for Global Theological Iniatives at Southeastern. Anna plans and implements creative theological innovations for majority world theological education. Anna has a PhD in Applied theology and she lived in South Asia for two years and has traveled to many other parts of the world. Anna’s interests include orality, Bible storying, the arts, and anthropology.
Marie Burrus and her family live in the Raleigh, NC area. Marie has a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies and served overseas as a missionary in West Africa. For years, Marie has participated in diaspora missions in the States and worked with her church and others to find and engage people groups in their communities with the gospel.
Tiffany Smith is the regional equipper for Canada at the North American Mission Board, where she works with church leaders to develop strategies that engage people in the Great Commission. Tiffany has a particular heart and passion for developing the next generation of leaders in living a “Sent Life.” You can connect with her on Twitter (@tiffanydsmith) or through her blog, Missional Mayhem.